The non-diegetic sound contains electro pop and dubstep, as it will attract the institutions key demographic- people aged 16-25. This is further reinforced with the voice over, a young mix-raced female; the audience will form a sense of identification with the narrator of the documentary. Also, the tone of the dialogue is almost conversational, which again creates identification (uses and gratification-Bulmer and Kratz 1964). In addition, as the narrator is of a multi-ethnic background, it represents a multi-cultural and liberal society. Also, the inference of a liberal society supports the subject of the documentary, ‘websex’.
During the documentary there are many close-up shots, this connotes a close glimpse on the issue. The documentary will be focusing more thoroughly on the subject, despite that fact that it is a sensitive topic. In addition, the natural location, such as forests and restaurants suggest sex via the Internet is natural in today’s society. Furthermore, interviewing young teens at school or their education place connote the demographic, which are young people. Also, the images of phones, laptops, and electronics dominate the documentary. This supports the subject of the documentary of the power of electronics and how it affects how lives, including our sex lives. This also reinforces the audience for the documentary, the youth, this is because they are known as the ‘internet generation’.
The reaction of the audience may vary, depending on age, values, attitude and gender. If they were to be more conservative, they would have values that preclude the idea or the mere mention of the matter. However, for a more liberal audience it would be acceptable for this issue to exhibit. In addition, for both genders it may or may not be an issue. Some audience members may find it problematic, as they might think the documentary is generalising
all teen males and females. This stereotype will not be appreciated, as the public will assume all teens have an urge for sex, they use the internet a lot, and for activates such as meeting people and performing sexual activities in front of a webcam- which may not be entirely true. In the text there are people who use colloquial language. This may present the youth as people who are unable to speak in Standard English. This may perhaps create moral panic: The intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order. The public will consider the issues in the text reflect all of the younger generation, thus they will panic over the morals they are not being upheld or the morals the youth have.
However, some audience members might identify with the stories the people in the documentary tell. For an older audience, it may create controversy as it could bee seen as encouraging sex via the Internet. However, the documentary does show the dangers of ‘Websex’. In addition, there is a scene where the host/narrator Nathalie Emmanuel interviews a young gay man. This may create debate as some people may be homophobic and will not which to see gay men on television; as it could influence the younger audience.
The text appeals to the audience, as it talks about real life issues, which are seen to be too sensitive to bring to the surface. However, in BBC Three doing this it could help audiences. This is because they might have had the same experience, therefore in raising this issue the audience will identify and perhaps aid them in telling their story. In addition, mentioning a topic such as sex, which is in some societies and taboo or is considered a sin; it creates a thrill for the audience. They are watching something that isn’t really spoken about on television, in this way (a first hand look on the topic, which interviews and the film maker taking part).
The genre of the text is Participatory documentary. Participatory documentaries believe that it is impossible for the act of filmmaking to not influence or alter the events being filmed. What these films do is emulate the approach of the anthropologist: participant-observation. Not only is the filmmaker part of the film, we also get a sense of how situations in the film are affected or altered by her presence. These conventions are evident in 'Websex', as Nathalie Emmanuel not only observes and narrates, but she also participates in the actions . This shows the audience, first hand how these things are done.
The subject is given both sides, its dangers and its perks. Therefore, BBC Three are trying to show that although it can be fun and 'harmless', it does have its dangers too. This is BBC's aim, they aspire to inform, educate and entertain. Although, they are entertaining their audience, they are also warning and informing the dangers of 'Websex'. The text has ben distributed via public opinions, surveys and expert opinions. This reinforces the goal of educating the public with supported facts.
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