Slide one:
In order to profit and boost its revenue, the film industry uses a variety of methods to promote their media product. The methods used are: print media in the form of newspapers and magazines, billboards and many more; Broadcast media, which are communication methods such as television, radio; and e-media, this is when information is on the internet. Media institutuons use this to attract their audience to purchase their product, this is known as the hyperdermic needle.
The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by ‘shooting’ or ‘injecting’ them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response.
Print media
Print media includes newspapers, magazines, direct mail and other non-electronic forms. Billboards are often considered print media as well. Print media can be an effective tool for businesses to advertise their products and services. It is widely used it is cheaper than advertising on TV or the internet, which costs considerably more. In addition, Print advertisements in newspapers and magazines are usually targeted to specific audiences. Therefore, there is a grantee that the media product will get a level of success as it is shown to the consumers, who consume the media product the most. Furthermore, Magazines and billboards can have a long exposure time. Magazines may be left around homes and offices for months before they are discarded. Billboards usually stay for lengthy periods of time.
An example of this is the 2011 American science fiction action film written and directed by J. J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg:
billboards emphasise a specific image Keeping brand name in front of the masses Filtering to the subconscious for future recall when purchasing products, or in this case choosing what film to watch.
The use of giving a review, gives the audience an expectation of how the movie is going to be, therefore when the they watch the film they will look out for the points given in the move.
Broadcast Media
“Broadcast Media" usually refers to media such as TV & Radio, hence the term broadcast. Webcasts are also usually considered broadcast media. billions of people around the world watch or listen to television, films and radio every day, therefore it is likely that consumers will be exposed to the media product.
A key exmaple of promoting Super 8 via braodcasting is when actor Kyle Chandler is interviewed about the film. Not only does this promote the film, but it also promotes the actor himself: Late Show with David Letterman- Super 8
Super 8 and Twitter teamed up in order to promote the film virally:
"Twitter has the incredible capability of spreading buzz in real-time, as well as fostering communal conversations that encapsulate large audiences in a matter of seconds. We believe these elements are key in promoting a movie like SUPER 8 that has such incredible playability and the potential for unlimited positive word of mouth,"
- Amy Powell, Paramount's Executive Vice President, Interactive Marketing Strategies & Film Production
In addition, the use of marketing the movie online, help attract their target audience which are mostly younger males and females.
Although each platform is different, the product advertised and the it is advertised are similar. This is because each platform, will be successful in attracting a mass audience. Furthermore, the example I have used require people to talk about the film, for example, for a billboard people will talk about what movie to watch and where they had seen it being advertised.
Although each platform is different, the product advertised and the it is advertised are similar. This is because each platform, will be successful in attracting a mass audience. Furthermore, the example I have used require people to talk about the film, for example, for a billboard people will talk about what movie to watch and where they had seen it being advertised.
However, in my opinion I think using e-media plays as a huge advantage in promoting the movie. This is the movies key demographic areTeenagers, as they are the ‘internet generation’. In addition, the use of print media will attract an older audience of A-D1. The use of this for the consumer creates nostalgia as they will remember other movies made by Spielberg. Therefore, they will think about watching the movie as it will bring back memories, generating escapism to their childhood or identification. Using broadcast media helps advertise the film to a mass audience as everyone watches TV. Furthermore, it helps attract the target audience which are family audiences. The ethnicity of the audience may play a role, for example, it could be targeted for An American audience who will identitfy with the characters and the location of the movie. Also, as the protagonist is male, it could attract a young male audience to create identitfication, which in some ways creates a friendship between the character and the consumer. Also, the movie contains issues to do with the army and American politics. Therefore, people who are interested in these issues or would liek to be informed more will
watch the movie. In addition, people who have the same ideologies as the ones presented in the movie, will identify with the narrative and characters.
The institutions involved in promoting the film are:
Paramount and Super 8
'Paramount Pictures’s Super 8 is ramping up its social media marketing efforts before it hits U.S. and Canadian theaters Friday, first by premiering the first full-length trailer on Twitter, and now with promotions on Foursquare and Twitter.
Paramount is offering the latter’s users advance showings through the hashtag #Super8Secret, which the company is also pushing as a Promoted Trend. There is, of course, nothing secret about the promotion, and that’s the point; Paramount has essentially guaranteed that the movie will be trending on opening day, thanks to all of the advance reviews on Twitter.
As we’ve seen before, however, the film will still have to stand on its own merits; Twitter can just as persuasively keep moviegoers out of theaters as it can bring them in.'
According to reports, about 100,000 people across the country attended the sneak preview. On Friday Twitter boasted that the Hollywood promotion, its biggest movie tieup ever, earned Paramount $1 million on Thursday alone.
Amblin entertainment
Nested in a back lot at Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment is producer/director Steven Spielberg's movie production company.
7-eleven - 7-Eleven® Launches Super 8 Movie ‘Check in to Space’ Promotion with Sweepstakes Prizes that are Out of this World
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